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Common Data Formats

This page describes the common data formats used by the Subly APIs.

Media Configuration

The Media Configuration object contains all the styling information for subtitles.

The options to set are:

  • font (string):
  • fontSize (number)
  • colorPrimary (string)
  • colorSecondary (string)
  • colorOutline (string)
  • colorBack (string)
  • bold (0 or -1). Set to -1 to be bold
  • italic (0 or -1). Set to -1 to be italic
  • underline (0 or -1). Set to -1 to underline
  • strikeOut (0 or -1). Set to -1 to strike out text
  • scaleX (number). Scale the subtitles on X axis (100 is no scaling)
  • scaleY (number). Scale the subtitles on Y axis (100 is no scaling)
  • spacing (number). Font spacing
  • angle (number). Rotation of subtitles in degrees (0 is no rotation)
  • borderStyle (number or “\r”). 1 - Outline with shadow, 3 - Opaque box, “\r” - reset
  • outline (number). Width of text outline in pixels
  • shadow (number). Depth of the text shadow in pixels
  • alignment (number). (see below)
  • marginL (number). Left margin
  • marginR (number). Right margin
  • marginV (number). Vertical margin
  • encoding (0)
  • hasBackground (boolean). If subtitles have background
  • showWatermark (boolean). Set to show “Made by Subly” watermark
  • backgroundStyles (string). None, Outline, Background
  • customLogo (object - optional). Details of optional logo to display
    • id (string). Unique ID of logo asset
    • url (string): public URL for logo asset
    • dimensions (object)
      • width (number)
      • height (number)
    • visible (boolean)
    • position (string): Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Bottom Centre
    • opacity (number): 0 - 100
    • size (string): Small, Medium, Large
    • padding (object)
      • x (number)
      • y (number)
  • aspectRatio (object - optional). Details of the aspect ratio to display video
    • originalRatio (string): 16:9, 9:16, 1:1, 4:5, Original
    • ratio (string): 16:9, 9:16, 1:1, 4:5, Original
    • fit (string): crop, border
    • color (string): hex value for border color
  • headline (object - optional)
    • visible (boolean)
    • text (string): The headline text
    • duration (number): Time in milliseconds to display the headline
    • style (object)

Subly Transcription

The transcription is an array of Cue items (see below)


A Cue object represents a section of subtitles in the transcription.

  • id (string): Unique ID of the cue
  • start (number): Start time in milliseconds
  • end (number): End time in milliseconds
  • children (array of CueWord objects)


A CueWord object represents a word in the transcription with optional individual styling.

  • text (string): The word
  • start (number): Start time in milliseconds
  • end (number): End time in milliseconds
  • italics (boolean): Set to true to italicize the word
  • bold (boolean): Set to true to bold the word
  • underline (boolean): Set to true to underline the word
  • colorPrimary (string): Hex color value for the primary color
  • colorOutline (string): Hex color value for the outline color

Common Values


The Alignment is based on the number layout of the numerical keypad

  • 1: Bottom Left
  • 2: Bottom Centre
  • 3: Bottom Right
  • 4: Middle Left
  • 5: Middle Centre
  • 6: Middle Right
  • 7: Top Left
  • 8: Top Centre
  • 9: Top Right

Available Values


Latin Character Fonts

  • Abril Fatface
  • Alegreya
  • Archivo
  • Arial
  • Arvo
  • B612
  • BioRhyme
  • Cairo
  • Cardo
  • Concert One
  • Cormorant
  • Courier New
  • Crimson Text
  • Fjalla One
  • Frank Ruhl Libre
  • Georgia
  • Helvetica Neue
  • IBM Plex Sans
  • Inter
  • Karla
  • Lato
  • Lora
  • Montserrat
  • Muli
  • Old Standard TT
  • Oswald
  • Playfair Display
  • PT Serif
  • Rakkas
  • Roboto
  • Rubik
  • Source Sans Pro
  • Spectral
  • Times New Roman
  • Titillium Web
  • Ubuntu
  • Varela
  • Verdana
  • Vollkorn
  • Work Sans
  • Yatra One